Wednesday, April 17, 2013

About IBPS or Institute of Banking Personnel Selection


  About IBPS or Institute of Banking Personnel Selection


The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) is an autonomous body set up
 with the vision to evolve and implement world class processes and systems of
 assessment and selection of personnel for various client organizations, conduct
 relevant supportive research and publicise the findings. The foundation of the
 Institute’s philosophy has been Speed, Accuracy and Confidentiality in all 
its activities and it strives to achieve this through a blend of modern technology and
 academic expertise.IBPS has acquired a unique distinction of being a premier
 national level Institute for employment testing, admission testing, training and
 research; related to selection and management of human resources. It has been
 rendering assistance to the financial sector in the fields of employees' selection,
 promotion and placement. For this purpose, the Institute has been designing 
appropriate measurement tools which are both fair and objective.The Institute is
 sensitive to the rapid changes that are taking place in the economic climate
 of the country and, accordingly, devises and modifies the selection tools to cater to
 the rapidly changing requirements of the industry. Because of this reputation, many
 Public Sector undertakings in the non-financial sector and Universities along with
 reputed Management Schools have approached IBPS to seek professional services
 for selection, promotion, placement and admissions to their professional courses.

 The magnificence of IBPS has stood over 40 years. Working on international
 testing models like the ETS model, the Institute conducts a wide spectrum of 
activities in personnel selection both for promotion within and recruitment and
 selection from outside the organization. Today, IBPS has become a body
 providing integrated end to end solutions for human resource management of
 client organizations. The Institute is equipped with its very own fleet of qualified 
personnel - people from the banking and insurance industry, psychology,
 information technology and educational measurement who have specialized in
 the testing process. Its  various verticals include Client Relations, Design and 
Analysis, Research and Development, Processing and Technology Operations 
and Support Services. It also has its own technology infrastructure for data ware 
house and processing. It has state-of-the-art printing facility that is capable of
 printing over 100 thousand data booklets and answer sheets per day. The Institute 
has the capability of testing simultaneously as many as 1 million candidates in 2000 
venues across 200 centers (cities) in one session. In 2010-11 alone, IBPS was
 successful in screening over 10 million candidates for testing and filled approx.
 79,236 vacancies for its client organizations besides testing of candidates for 
admission to academic institutes and certification for diplomas. 

WishYou All the Best !

Monday, April 8, 2013

Online Shopping World– Global Home (Glhome)–The play of Time.

There was a time when people use to travel many miles to buy necessaries, as there was no transport facility available with them. But the time is not static. The other name of time is “change’, or we can say it “movement”. This movement of time moves the world and various things happening around too.

Then came a time, when the distance between the people and market place started reducing, as transport facilities came up and the world started moving faster, technology had advancement. But  the embryo in her womb and it’s fate all was unknown to the world. None knew about ,that advancement of technology is going to give birth to the most precious child of the world, who’s limbs had started growing , ready and craving to hug the world in it. After all this child born,. It was named “ IT ” . IT  initially was slow but growing, but as it grew, never looked back.

The main role in the shaping of IT was played by it’s parents (Time and Technology) .

IT made the world from “Global “ to “Glocal” and  then to “Glhome or Glome – the global home”. We can also call it “Glhouse or Glouse – the global house”. Various windows connect one room of this home to the other. And the connecting thread is called “ Internet ”. These windows have succeeded in providing multiple, multi purpose services to the world – a great result of the churning of time.

And out of various communications through these windows, one is ‘ the online shopping”. while in earlier times , people use to travel hundred miles to reach market, today market reach to them, they have to travel just one step to their PC. Thanks to God for thinking of human mind , which could make our lives this simple and easier.

There are various shopping portals and websites, offering you lakhs of products of different companies. These brings cheapest to dearest products to our home, for both the rich and the poor. It does not matter in which country you are, products of your choice reach your home. All you need to do is to place an order on one of such online shopping websites. moreover you have an option to pay online too. In this way the product is delivered to you in a predetermined time limit, just at a click of mouse.

Thanks to this great child “IT”, loved by everyone. thanks to Time and Technology for bringing up their child this way.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Latest Jobs and Exams in India: This April Monster Bringing Jobs 2 Your Home!

Latest Jobs and Exams in India: This April Monster Bringing Jobs 2 Your Home!: Latest Jobs and Exams in India  Now you'll get jobs at your home, sitting before your is organizing virtua...

Beware of FRAUD consultants and PLACEMENT agencies !

LatestJobs and Exams in India

Beware of FRAUD consultants and PLACEMENT agencies !


These days , there is no derth of frauds almost in any field. if govt. or public sector taking four steps in corruption then private sector is not far behind too. And today if there is someone victimized more than anyone else, then it's "the unemployed section of our society" or more specifically the fresh school or college pass outs looking for a job.

Today the number of private employment agencies are growing like a chain reaction, many with authorization from the govt. there and many without it. They are spreading like cancer in almost all small and big cities in india . There objective is not to really help candidates to get a good job but one and only just to collect money in name of  "registration charges","verification fee","half or full month salary in advance"etc.

So never pay money unless until :

1. You know the working of that agency very well.
2. Collect as much info as you can.
3. Once call the company that the employment agency is claiming to be your employer .
4. Don't pay half or full month salary in advance.
5. Always get receipt for the money you have paid, if you have paid any.
6. Maintain record of all your communications or transactions and documents(like receipt and  any letter they offer)
7. Type in the  Google search " Consultancy is a fraud  at of place................". it may show you various complaints in various consumer forums against that particular consultancy.
8. You once definitely check online consumer complaints forum online, and se if there is any complaint against a particular organization. I'm giving adress of one such  consumer complaints forum here -
9. Take help of police.

Note :  Please comment if you are  a victim of any such money looter. also write their name and place here,so that they could not have any other people in there trap.